Andrea Barton

Online Disease Control Program

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Disease less Scam - General Health

Controlling stress is important in dealing with HCV disease. Living with a chronic disease that will not heal

Many people report a “flare-ups” (periods of increased symptoms) following episodes of stress. The exercise, meditation, and proper use of time can help reduce stress. Try to maintain a realistic picture of your health and a positive outlook. Understanding the severity of your liver disease is an important part of having a realistic picture of your situation.

How affordable fatigue

Fatigue and low energy levels are common in people with HCV. Know your limits and do not overextend yourself. When you plan activities, take time in between for relaxation or naps. Remember that your health is important - learn to say “no” to friends and family who have unrealistic expectations of your energy level. DiseaselessReviewScam.Com

Proper use of time to plan that far more of the...

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Disease less Review - Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C

The HCV virus is transmitted blood-to-blood (blood-borne) non-A/non-B formerly called hepatitis. HCV has six major genotypes (sub-types): 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Genotypes 1a and 1b, which are common in the U.S., is more difficult to treat. HCV enters the body through direct contact with blood.

The virus attacks the cells in the liver, where it multiplies (copied). HCV causes inflammation of the liver and kills liver cells. Up to 80-85% of people initially infected with HCV become chronically infected may mean, the infection does not clear up within six months. Disease less Review Scam

Most people with chronic HCV have no symptoms and lead normal lives. However, 10-25% of people with chronic HCV, the disease persists or progresses over 10-40 years, and can cause frumpy! ing liver damage, cirrhosis (scarring) and liver cancer. HCV is the leading reason for liver transplants in...

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Low back pain is pain in the lower back. It is a symptom or sign of disease in bone, flesh, veins and joints located in this part of the body. Often causes severe pain and often disappear it deliberately.

Many can cause back pain. Usually the excessive use ( overuse) in this section back, or incorrect body position (disuse) is the cause of extreme fatigue in the flesh, bone and joint pain that we feel as pain. DiseaselessReviewScam.Com


There are sexual activities also cause alarm should be given immediate review. This is when the cause is infection, cancer, pinched nerve or nerve impingement and rheumatic arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Stiff muscles
Loss of control over bladder and bowel
Difficulty in sleeping
Easily tired
Depression or anxiety
Can mapalala lifting and prosper when naipahinga
Pain in the thigh down.


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Diseaseless Program - Muscular Dystrophy

The definition of muscular dystrophy is atrophy or muscle weakness.
The muscular dystrophies (MD) refers to a group of genetic diseases characterized by progressive weakness and by the destruction of the muscle to the bone that controls movement.

The muscular dystrophy type many, others will notice from birth and congenital muscular dystrophy known as or just coming to birth of the baby and the others appear at the beginning of puberty (BECKER MD). Whatever the period of infancy, the other muscular dystrophy leads to injury or movement in paralysis

The three most common types of MD are: Duchenne, facioscapulohumeral, and myotonic. The three differ in the way of inheritance, time of commencement, the level of growth, and spread of disability. Ken Drew & Dr. Patel - Diseaseless Program

Onset is between 3 to 5 years old and spreads quickly. The majority of men will not walk in the 12th...

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Ken Drew & Dr. Patel - How Does Stretching Prevent Injury?

Stretching can help to prevent an injury by promoting recovery and decreasing pain. A growing ensures that your muscles and tendons are in good working order.

The more conditioned your muscles and tendons are, the better they can handle the rigors of sport and exercise, and the more likely they are injured. Ken Drew & Dr. Patel - Diseaseless Program

So as you can see, there’s more to stretching than most people think. Stretching is a simple and effective activity that will help you to enhance your athletic performance, reduce your likelihood of sports injury and minimize pain muscle.

Stretching is one of the most under-utilized techniques for improving athletic performance, preventing sports injury and properly rehabilitating sprain and strain injury. Do not make the mistake of thinking that something as simple as stretching will not be effective .

For an easy-to-use, quick...

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